Proteins’ role in muscle building, weight loss, and skin health has made it a favorite macronutrient for many fitness freaks. But that does not mean you can scarf it down in any which way you think is right. Here are a few mistakes you should avoid to achieve your fitness goals faster.
Eating Protein Only Once
Divide your protein consumption throughout the day to ensure metabolic speed. Do not wait for one particular time of the day to take protein. Spreading your protein intake results in better absorption and increased satiety. It is beneficial for weight watchers because protein-rich meal prevents weight gain and reduces hunger pangs. On the other hand, periodic protein intake keeps sports performers, bodybuilders, and gym-goers energetic and fuelled up for long.
Excess Protein Post-workout
More is not always better. After a point, our bodies cannot absorb protein. In fact, consuming too much protein may lead to weight gain as excess protein gets stored as fat. For an average person with a moderately active to a very active lifestyle, 25 grams of protein (which equates to 10 grams of essential amino acids) is enough for optimal protein synthesis. If you work out heavily, train, or practice sports daily, take 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Consider factors like the intensity of exercise, daily diet, gender, and health profile, while deciding daily protein intake.
Relying on a Single Source of Protein
Eat and drink different sources of protein. If most of your everyday meals are carb-rich, top these up with high-quality protein powder like One Science Whey Protein. You may alternate between shakes and adding protein powder to meals. Taking protein from different sources ensures that you get all the nine essential amino acids. In addition, it minimizes the chances of deficiency in as other vital micro and macronutrients such as vitamins and fiber—all of which prevent diseases, helps muscle growth, and weight loss. Whether or not you take protein supplements, do not forget to eat vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, legumes, and nuts, meat, and fish. Pay attention to source variation when you buy a plant-based protein powder. Proteins derived from a single plant do not contain the nine essential amino acids. So, choose a blend of hemp, pea, rice, etc. to get optimum nutrition.
Buying Sub-standard Protein Powder
Don’t go for protein brands that promise more quantity at lower prices. The manufacturing process of protein powder is both extensive and costly. Besides, most quality protein powders are imported. Therefore, the price of top-quality protein powders like One Science Whey Protein ranges from reasonably expensive to exorbitant. These reputable brands prioritize the health of consumers (and so should you) and ensure that it has no harmful additives such as artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Read the label carefully before buying a protein jar. If you are a beginner, buy a smaller pack to check whether the protein suits your body.
Which are other common protein mistakes according to you?
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